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Replacing PBS Indexes with PCC Connector

September 20, 2022

Jim Paschke

September 20, 2022

Jim Paschke
CEO/ Founder

In every data archiving project, there are two primary tasks.  First, is archiving the data.  But equally important is providing access to that archived data.  This article covers the latter in detail.  For information on the former, refer to blog posts found here: https://www.paschkeconsulting.com/blog

Paschke Consulting (PCI) developed proprietary technology to eliminate performance bottlenecks in the data retrieval process. Its Connector solution retrieves archived data at speeds approaching or exceeding those of online databases. It also abstracts the access interface to simplify implementation and customization.

Innovations in storage hardware and software, notably solid-state devices (SSD)  make the business case for expensive PBS and nearline storage (NLS) solutions more challenging.  PCI, with two decades of data archiving experience, understands these technologies, as well as SAP’s Archive Information Structure (AIS), making it uniquely positioned to deliver a more cost-effective and higher performing data retrieval solution.

More Value with PCI Connector

The three primary methods of accessing archived data from non-NLS data sources are:

  1. build AIS indices and create custom code using SAP’s Archive Development Kit (ADK) for each program;
  2. build PBS indices and implement the PBS access methods for each program; or
  3. use PCI Connector with common interface and proprietary innovations.

The AIS/ADK approach can be risky due to the cost and relative experience levels of ABAP resources to archive-enable a custom application.  PBS licensing and training time make the PBS indices and access approach expensive .

PCI Connector leverages AIS indexes but also implements several key innovations that have delivered these four important results for customers:

  1. Reduced development time to archive-enable custom applications by 80%
  2. Maintained response time of applications once archive-enabled 
  3. Increased application reliability through common PCI interface
  4. Increased business user acceptance of archiving and archive reporting
  5. Shorter online residence time.

AIS Indexing not Enough

AIS software may be basically free, but building indexes and archive-enabling applications is not. Achieving efficient online processing and ongoing maintainability of code requires detailed requirements gathering and planning. Incorrect index definition can result in having to modify, drop, and re-index the entire structure. It can also create a data access bottleneck, making it extremely difficult to keep business processes operating efficiently.

The other primary challenge in implementing AIS is the arcane and complex nature of reading archived data.  Archive-enabling applications individually can involve large software development expenditures.  But, more importantly, if not done correctly, the resulting processes can be very inefficient and slow critical applications down to a crawl.

PCI Connector leverages the functional knowledge of the applications as well as technical knowledge of the archiving processes and indexes to archive-enable applications and keep them accurate, reliable, and fast. It implements several innovative mechanisms to ensure the fastest reads of archived data.  Two of these mechanisms address the granular data access points at a micro-level, critical in maintaining fast reads; another dynamically optimizes access methods to address the overall response time at a macro-level.  

Straightforward Conversion from PBS to PCI Connector

PCI has an established process to convert from PBS to the new PCI Connector with standard, SAP-based archive indexing.

In the analysis, requirements and planning stage, PCI identifies all applications, tcodes, archive objects and tables that will need to be considered in the conversion. During implementation, code remediation, testing and go-live, we define field catalogs, indices, retrofit and convert programs, and bring your entire application onto a newer, modern platform.

We stand ready to help you on your journey

If you’d like to learn more about replacing PBS with another solution, please contact us via our website or email below or

call our support line at (619) 992-9973.




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